DEATHWISH SKATEBOARDS was celebrating it's one year anniversary at their warehouse in North Hollywood a couple weeks back and Ellington was gracious enough to sit down with me. It doesn't sound like much, but to the all seeing eye, protector of many, dad, graphics consult etc. that is Erik, it's amazing he even had time to sit. Definitely a gracious host as well as an amazing skateboarder. Erik has been stretched far this year with filming, tending to his, now, 2 children and wife, andstarting Deathwish skateboards and Brigada Eyewear! Bring him in with a standing ovation, please, Mr. Alaska himself.
Erik Ellington. 31. I don't know why you should care.
You run a company we're all fairly familiar with. Deathwish. What's in the name?
Skateboarders have a Deathwish
What role do you feel you play in this family?
Well I guess I just try and make things happen
What does that mean?
Its pretty simple. From the day to day operations, to getting graphics done. Pretty much everything ya know. I kinda just help run things. I guess.
Jack of all trades?
Master of none. Definitely not skateboarding. ::laughs::
I got a pretty good program. I come in here Monday through Friday, pretty much, and I make a time where I skate. And I skate every day. I try and stay on my game.
Favorite place to travel?
That's a tough one. Japan's always sick. Brazils sick. Australia's sick. I like to travel to downtown Los Angeles too.
What did you do today?
I woke up this morning and made my son breakfast. I went to get a bunch of shit done on my teeth. I had all these numbing medications and shit. Then I came up here and tried to figure out what we were doing. All I pretty much do is assist people at doing what they already know how to do.
I'm a morale supporter.
If you could only do one trick for the rest of your life what would it be?
I'd 360 flip everything in my sight
Favorite food?
From anywhere in particular?
Louisiana. Louisiana gumbo.
You get to put on a concert. You have to select 3 bands, living or dead, to headline. What 3 bands do you choose?
Guns N Roses of course. AC/DC has to fall in there somewhere. And then, I'd like, TRex to play. And then throw Muddy Waters in there somewhere
Where do they play?
Obviously at my house
Any last words?
Good luck