Thursday, April 23, 2009


words/polaroids and easter eggs c/o: THEREALDEALNEAL

"'BETTER LATE THAN NEVER'... I take that to heart."-JB/CB
Joemm Blanche is someone that I met quite a while ago through our similar interests in sneakers. He is a perfectionist, a procrastinator, a hustler, a gentleman, a sneakerfreaker, a bicyclist, a schemer, an innovator, a collector, a goon, a businessman, a son, a good friend, a tennis player, a coach, a 'cedes driver, and above all things. AN ARTIST. Joemm is the kind of guy that you will be seeing a lot of in the future so get used to his unusual style, and mostly his unusual name. (You'll be seeing it on the tags of your clothes in the future.) 
Who are you and why should I care?
I'm Joemm, and I'm probably the only Joemm you'll probably ever meet, so that's why you should care.
What kind of name is Joemm?
Joemm is a nickname that, actually turned into my real name. It's short for Emmanuel Joseph, the "Jo" coming from Joseph and the "emm" coming from Emmanuel.
I bet you thought you were real clever on April Fool's day?
Yeah. I got a few people, you know. If you wanna explain it...
Yeah well you called me and told me that everything was cool and that you just wanted to see how things were going. And oh by the way you were gonna have a baby. I had to be real nice cause I didn't wanna be a dick if you were going to be having a baby, cause that sucks.
That was the reaction I was expecting, cause you know. Everybody gets that call once and a while. you know, your homeboy has a baby and you don't wanna be like "shut up".
Had me sayin' "oh congratulations on that shit dude" fersherr.
Good times. That definitely sealed the deal.
How old are you?
I just turned 24 this past March. I'm not too fond of that so let's just put
22 for now.
Birthplace and residency?
I was actually born in Anaheim, Disneyland city.
Right now I am staying in Corona, CA. Crown town. Circle City.
Paper or plastic?
As much as I'm trying to go green, I like paper. I really do. I just don't like plastic.
Word on the street is you're a designer, what's that all about?
That's a good rumor, I guess. I don't like calling myself a designer. I don't like people coming up to me like "oh you do fashion design" or whatever "did you go to
FIDM?" And it's kind of like.. "No." I look at my passion is art and designing is just one of the outlets.
You used to stuff with a brand called Soulful Commandoe, is that right?
Yes. Soulful is definitely a family. It was a cool project/ hobby that we developed into this amazing brand; this lifestyle company. We will be opening up our first store in downtown L.A.
Yes. At the end of the month. We've definitely come a long way. Soulful will forever be family to me.

"Blue collar kid trapped in a white collar body" 
Let's play word association game okay? You have to answer as quickly as possible. Take it as far as you want.
Sucks. WHAT? hahaha hold on alright. that jumped out.
Okay. Streetwear.
All over
Real sneakers
Real life.
Love it
The next generation.
Finish this sentence. "Not only is Neal comin' in hot in '09 but..."
"But he's
comin' in hot in oh ten" Ahaha oh'10. So good. So good.
Tell me about the line.
If you know me, you know that
Chubby Boob has been a project of mine since before Soulful. When I joined Soulful I basically put that on hold. Finally coming out with it after a good 4 years, is definitely closure for me. But I don't like to look at it as closure, because it's basically just a beginning. It's been on hold for so long. I have a specific shirt that says "Better Late Than Never" and I really take that to heart. I really feel that I owe it to myself, and owe it to my friends, and owe it to the kids that have been following through the years, to launch this line. I'm really excited about it.
If I walk into a store, what do I look for if I'm trying to find it.
You wanna look for a big logo, that some perceive as boobs. It's definitely a shocking logo. The brand name itself is shocking. I love that shock value.
What inspired this brand?
This brand is definitely inspired by art, by my passion in art. Being comfortable in your own skin. Not necessarily following a trend, but being comfortable with yourself. Being confident, in wearing something like Chubby Boob.
What inspired this season?
This season was definitely inspired by the Year of the Cow. It's 2009, I was born in '85, so I'm a year of the cow. Cow's are known to work and I definitely want to work hard and hustle this year. This line is basically a culmination of all that work. Very simple designs, but well thought out.
Where can I get it?
Right now, I'm debating... I've got a handful of boutiques. I was going to sell to Active, and take the whole Active route, but after filing chapter 11 I'm not too sure if I'm going to go that route. If anything, it'd be for marketing purposes. You can count on VERSUS in Temecula.. other than that, I'm still debating. I definitely want to direct all online sales to our web store.
So when does it come out then? It doesn't sound like it's out.
We are working on the website right now and furthermore, the
web store. We still have to shoot the lookbook and do the photoshoot. You can expect it mid-May in stores.
Beacoup buxx or ballin' on a budget.
Oh dude,
ballin' on a budget, that's always been my motto. I've always been this blue collar kid trapped in a white collar body.
Any shoutouts?
Gotta shout out you, of course. Shout out to everybody that's supported Chubby and me, and has stuck by me for so long. You guys are definitely my motivation.
Any last words?
I'm really bad at last words...


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